

发布时间: 2024-05-17 15:35:23北京青年报社官方账号



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And finally, the piece offers new clarity on Bezos’ political and philosophical leanings, describing them as a mix of “social liberalism” (reflected in areas such as his support of gay marriage and his philanthropic focus on climate, education and homelessness) and “economic views that stress individual liberty.”


And the Independent newspaper reported senior MEP Guy Verhofstadt warned Zuckerberg he risks being remembered as "a genius who created a digital monster". Verhofstadt said Facebook should break up its monopoly if it wants to leave scandals in its wake, something that was echoed by German MEP Manfred Weber, who noted Facebook owns rival services, including Instagram and WhatsApp.


And it is declining rapidly, thanks to increased fishing for an expanding global population and unchecked runoff of industrial chemicals, sewage and other pollutants. Already, about 90 percent of wild fisheries around the world are over-exploited or collapsed.


Angus Ng Hok-ming, chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Association, joined young people from different walks of life in Hong Kong to send a message to 1.4-billion Chinese people: They love the motherland and will resist intervention by external forces.


And here are his remarks on Amazon, which is up 44 percent this year. Cramer said that the company has “never really had to come back from the dead” — noting that its only real stumble was during the dot-com collapse. But he noted that Amazon is a lot like the “undead” in that it “just keeps coming” — pointing out that it is as “unstoppable as the zombie apocalypse.”


